Thursday, 10 March 2011

Brothers, fire, brothers on fire and I've run out of things to say.

We made pancakes today an entire day late. I know. I'm seriously considering calling the Childline (0800 1111) after this atrocity befell me and my brothers. Damn parents. I'm kidding :).
Now, I'm bloody good at flipping pancakes because it's my superpower. As in 6 feet in the air flipping with a perfect catch and dismount. Sometimes I accidentally set fire to my kitchen and/or a brother, but that can be overlooked due to the beauty of it. Right?
How does one set fire to anything when flipping pancakes, I hear my imaginary readers ask?
With great retardation comes little responsibility. Some olive oil splashed out and onto a hob, igniting about 3-4 feet high and directly against the arm of my 14 year old brother. Apparently this is considered a 'bad move' and I was promptly sacked. Now I'm a vigilante pancake flipper.
I set fire to my brother :D. He's okay, so it's funny.
I've probably got a taste for it now, pyromania and such. I don't think I'm going to put it properly into motion yet because there's a party on Saturday and that seems like the perfect time to set fire to things. Bit of Dutch courage before I see how close I can get to melting my eyeball.
If you get to my blog via the link on Facebook, you may have noticed the title of this post was going to be 'A severe collapse of the moral high ground'. Well, I'm long past the angry phase, so I'm not going to publish it. Sometimes I want to, certain songs, but the mood swings are becoming less frequent and things are actually looking pretty good.
Oh! I remember what I was going to talk about. Quote from my favourite TV show:
'There are two very different paths. A life of happiness and a life of meaning. To be truly happy, a man must live entirely in the present, with no thought of what's gone before and no thought of what lies ahead. Whereas for a life of meaning he is condemned to dwell in the past and obsess about the future.'
Now, this obviously shouldn't be taken as an absolute. There's a lot of leeway but the message is essentially right. I'd like a life of happiness, thereby the whole living in the present thing.
I already have one really. :)
... I've kinda wondered off topic here.
Next time I'll stick with the fire, danger and explosions. Yeah I know how to sell a story.

Ciaozard xD

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