Friday, 8 July 2011

Such is life.

Jacob Warden will start Marshland High School in September, and I'm really worried. At 11 years old and about a foot shorter than anyone else in the class, he's very similar to my predicament starting high school, except I didn't have a over-worrying, over-protective 19 year old brother walking around everywhere looking amazing. For reasons I may one day tell some of you but would rather let decay my soul until I'm a husk of mathematics, I'm considerably more concerned about Jacob than anyone else on Earth. It's, weirdly, a parental thing. Him being born only half made is kinda important too.
Yesterday he went to an induction day with about 150 other annoying children, all a potential safety risk or emotional hazard for a fragile brother. My parents both had work so I had the duty of getting brothers ready and packed for the day, then walking them to school. Jacob I escorted the extra few hundred yards to Marshland, a pit of death and despair to rival hell itself. Also somewhere I have many happy memories, though most of these football related. I was good. Jacob is good too, by the way. He achieved player of the season this year, the first few trophies among many. I'm not sure if you've been in my room... there are quite a few of mine. It's really impressive, mainly because they're reflective, and if you angle them just right you can stare at me. Assuming I would be in my own room...
I was giving muchas advise to the now nervous 11 year old, such as be awesome and hold your breath throughout. Luckily all five of us have similar senses of humour (Me, Callum, Jacob, Kieran and Curtis) so I wasn't taken seriously. We got to the door, said goodbye, waved and departed, him stumbling suavely and me feeling pretty hollow. Walking home alone was pretty tough. When I'm old and have had my fun, I'll have children. Inky, Pinky, Blinky and Clyde. I imagine letting them explore a new world without me will be just as difficult, but I'll have the experience by then. Like, emotionally. Being as young as I was raising small children, I was liable to mistakes. I've had better days, but that's a different story. Who are you if you have no secrets to be scared of as you grow old?
I'm going to Uni in September. Few hundred miles away to have the time of my life at Keele, a party Uni. I'll kick my degrees ass when I'm there too, you know, in my spare time. There won't be a second I'm not worried about my brothers.
Callum is in charge now. Grow up fast. For the first time ever I'll keep my phone one all night, ringtone loud, just in case. The only other time I've kept it on all night was waiting for a text saying 'Chris Tangent, LOL' from a friend. Because it's hilarious :D. So what if I'm not going to explain the story?
One would wonder why I don't keep it on all the time, what with such 'hilarious' random texts from 'friends'.
I'm going to go now, friend. I'm playing Medieval Total War II. Well, winning Medieval Total War II. I could make a list of everything I'm winning at, but there's only so much time in the world or butter in the muffin. I party/get drunk a lot now :). Friends... Can't wait for the summer proper, going out again tomorrow and we're all spending a night in Landan next weekend to dominate Thorpe Park :D. The parts of my life that are still teenage are valuable I think.

Such is life.


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