Saturday 27 August 2011

Meth for thought :)

The phrase 'food for thought' seemed out-dated and under-appreciative of how AWESOME everything I write is.

Seriously though children, drugs are bad. Don't do drugs. Least until you have enough to get properly screwed. Good people.

I've changed the design of my blog page thing, well I'm going to in a sec. When this was written what you see now was merely an abstract idea floating around my big brain. Something white hopefully, and I'm going to try and centre the main post... The format in which you're reading this will betray whether I was successful or not... Did it work? How is the future, world? Better because of my new-look blog, or way better because of my new-look blog?



Space age. I figure I can write less now. I listen to that song once every other day because it's more right than anyone I've ever met. LOVE <3

Dunno if the heart thing will work on blogger, but I'm PRETTY DAMN EXCITED TO FIND OUT.

Not sure If sarcasm will work on blogger either, but it's worth a shot and I've made it fairly obvious. Fingers crossed ! ! ... :)

A few weeks ago Student Finance agreed to lend me booze money I mean party money I mean uni-study-living money I mean booze money. Like, fuck loads. A few days later the Uni I've applied for, Keele, sent through all of the accommodation mass of boring and a massive CONGRATULATIONS, though they're the ones who're going to be so much better off with me around. So CONGRATULATIONS Keele. You did awesome. I'm really really really really really (really x the amount of time for Achilles to pass the turtle) excited :D. Literally cannot wait. Literally. Will be a problem not to get laid, because I'm stunningly attractive. I mean really. Getting my hair cut later this week, it's all good in the hood. Never better in the ghett..a. Damn. Gay.


Search 'Zeno's Paradoxes' If you give a shit about the Achilles turtle thing, It's actually really interesting and creepily logical. I love logic.

How manly is my page btw? Like, really. Snake, German radio, Jessica Alba pictures, Michael Jordan quotes and a car loan estimator. Try not to enjoy yourself too much world. You're welcome.


I've got to go now :). I work pretty much every day at a jeweller in Kings Lynn, town in Norfolk, England. It's good fun :). Everything is good fun really :). Except for my kinda awkwardly suicidal addiction to energy drinks =/.

Apart from that though, all's dandy.


p.s. This is my second-from-last post ever... I know exactly what my last is going to say, but that's going to be a lot closer to when I leave this disgusting place. Enjoy your summers / lives people. I am :).

Peace again :).

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