Tuesday 9 August 2011


CLICK THESE CAPITALS for the song that goes with this post. :)

How do you see a well run Autocracy, world? History shows us that only cruel leaders employ Autocratic ideals, but logically shouldn't a few of them work? In case you're wondering, Autocracy is basically a Police State, a country with a forceful arm of justice that prevents the kind of sights dominating the news or maybe even out your front windows at the moment.

I got the term from Sid Meier's Civilisation V, I'm afraid. Having taken a gap year between sixth form and university to play computer games, you could say I'm pretty much an expert/nerd. One of the social policies available for your civilisation is Autocracy, providing a lot of rigidity to your empire. Larger, better equipped forces for internal governing, within the borders, to keep the public predictable, but not caged. A climate of safety but not fear. The last man to really give this a go was called Hitler and was a disgusting creation.

Happiness can be achieved through order, as long as the force is well trained enough. Imagine everyone in a pointless job in present day England becoming part of a nationwide justice system. An entity that is anti-force but well trained in that very area, so everyone can live exactly as they do today except unafraid. Not a force as such, but more a guard. 5% of the work force with goals of protection and vigilance toward the general public, a public apparently bent on self-destruction.

Would people notice if one other thing in their lives became slightly more predictable? If the one thing heavily emphasised about such an idea were anti-corruption, it would work. If no one man had too much power, instead a republic of leaders within the leading party with only the power to organise, but not command, were in charge, it would work. It takes one honourable man with no fantasies of power to make it so. Ideally someone who wouldn't enter a political career in the first place. Hm.

The reports coming out of London made me write this, and therefore my masculine instinct of 'I could do better'. Like Jeremy Clarkson asking the audience on the other weeks Top Gear if they could complete the test track quicker... they all said they could. I should be in charge. I know exactly what I'd do.

Yeah, I've been watching Gladiator and playing too much Civilisation... :)

In an badly fitting ending to a boring blog post, my life is excellent xD. Great summer so far, party Saturday, Red Bull in hand.


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