Disaronno sponsor 30 Rock on Comedy Central, so now I watch 30 Rock, that's how the world works. It's dreadful. Like, really really bad, with only one viewer who has no arms, legs, struck blind, deaf and dumb AND has lost the remote. And you know what I feel sorry for the most regarding this poor poor persons many tribulations?
They're watching 30 Rock.
I'd let you in on my plot to kill the entire cast, but apparently that's 'illegal'. Pffff. The legal system in this country is fucked.
By the way, the favourite food of Warden during his adult, teenage and latter childhood years is marzipan. As in kilo-inhaling-ly preferred over such greats like blood and semen (not mixed together!?). Dodgeball. The astounding apparently good enough reason to blog about marzipan is that Disaronno mixed with coke tastes exactly like it. I've rigged a life support machine to pump it into me intravenously. I use it instead of milk for cereal. I piss it out, etc, you get the picture.
You know, with my intense imagery-creating style of writing I should be an author.
(Get ready readers, for the first time ever on this forgettable blog one section is going to flow beautifully into another.)
I'm writing a story that isn't bad or even pornographic. It's actually quite good and ... well, yeah okay pornographic. I've got a plot that could do with thickening out, but the characters fit together nicely. If you still believe me from when I said it was a porno, that sentence could seem a little too descriptive (or not enough?!) ... :D. It's a thriller with different story lines criss-crossing around a main central event that happened years ago. I really can't give you more information than that, but if you ask really nicely I might let you read the first few chapters :).
Well, that's about it folks. I was going to tell you about the April fools joke I played on my dad, but I got in so much trouble it deserves a more personal touch. Hilarity in its elemental form :D. Work was fun, so was Lynn in general today, so many people it almost felt vaguely like Laandan but quiet. Could really really do with some people to hang around with, but my friends are superbly uncool. A degree is no excuse. Erm, my brothers are great and life is good :).
I guess I'll end up blogging soon even with most of my creative genius going into my book. You must be able to tell after these last two posts...
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