Monday, 11 April 2011

Some severe tolerance

Human interaction is a real drain. It's actually difficult unless you can tell the other person is also quietly wondering what's for tea or why we can't all just go back to bed. There are very few people I would consider friends of mine, some of whom know who they are, the rest couldn't give a shit. I am somewhere between the two, perhaps branching towards the couldn't give a shit option. People annoy me. I admire the ones who just get on with whatever the hell they want to do, polite enough to others but a quiet contempt for everyday life.

You watch CSI? Grissom once said that he envied Paul Melander (serial killer, except Grissom didn't know it at the time) that he worked alone, making his models away from an all seeing and judging world. I agree. Another 'do what you want, not what you think you should do' message.

You watch(ed) Heroes? One character from a few episodes in the first series, who should have definitely been included many more times later on, was Claude, the invisible dude. Played by the best doctor ever, Christopher Eccleston, he declares he spends alot of time around people when they're alone. Without going into too much detail, he finishes with 'People suck, friend, every last one of them, never forget that.' Good philosophy to be honest, and lets face it he has some pretty big pals agreeing with him. Life, for example.

Sorry about the bogged down, dreary, anti-happy nature of this one folks, I'll pep us both up in my next post, probably soon :). Seriously though, I really don't owe the logical order of things anything. Humanity requires nothing from me. I've more than repaid any debt I had to my parents for my childhood, no one and nothing can stop me being anything I want to be.

And I'm not going to need people to get there.

If you're in my group of friends (well, eight of you) this quite obviously doesn't apply to you. I'm being hopeful suggesting that any of you would even be bothered, except for the fact that I'm fucking amazing :). You dudes are absolutely excellent too :). This was supposed to be some kind of extension to the 'white-trash' idea from my last post, but it ended up more serious and dull. Like being told to stay inside the plane when flying. We were much happier when were dancing on the wings while drinking marzipan drinks and singing marzipan songs. ANYWAY, loyal fan, I'd better get going, more misanthropic adventures to follow.


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